I’ve Been Judging Books by Their Covers

I’ve been judging books by their covers. Until now, that is.

I recently moved from a conservative Texas school to the diverse atmosphere of Richmond, Virginia. I expected many changes: the weather differences, lack of good Mexican food, and absence of cows. But the one thing I didn’t predict was the shift in my mindset.

I don’t consider myself a judgemental person; if anything, the people I tend to surround myself with are the “weird kids,” but I can admit to forming opinions on people based on appearances. If you dress in minimal clothing and wear a full face of makeup to school every day, I used to assume that you cared more about your relationship and social status than you did about your grades and career. On the contrary, if you dressed similarly to Rory from Gilmore Girls, I would assume the opposite(that you were studious and didn’t pay much mind to social status). 

This August, I began my junior year at a notably diverse school, and adjusting to the culture has sent me through a well-deserved reality check: I’ve been judging books by their covers. 

This year, I made it a goal to be more outgoing and social and to try to make more friends than I did in prior years. However, achieving that goal wouldn’t be possible until I detach my assumptions of a person from the person they truly are. The only way to get to know someone past their looks is to interact with them. Realizing this has brought me many unexpected friendships, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Yesterday, I went to my school’s Homecoming dance, my first school event of the year, and what made it so amazing wasn’t the food, the DJ, or the decorations; it was the people I was surrounded by. The same people I never planned on talking to. I danced with strangers and all of my new friends, and I didn’t hold back on hanging out with someone simply because they looked like they did “this” or acted like “that.” It was a tremendously fulfilling experience and easily one of my favorite high school memories.

Another realization that I’ve made is that all of my friends are similar(easygoing, scholarly, and respectful), but they all look different. I always assumed there was a connection between personality and appearance, but my newfound friendships have taught me otherwise.

I am so thankful to have recovered from my judgemental mindset and would encourage anyone who hasn’t to do the same. You never know, your best friend might be the book that you never planned on reading. 

-Lyn Jones

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